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Nourishing Herbal Infusions the Wise Woman Way
Oatstraw - Avena sativa
Oatstraw (Avena sativa) is the herb of longevity in the Auryuvedic system of India. It restores nervous system integrity, emotional flexibility, and sexual flow. Oats and oatstraw are exceptionally good at nourishing heart health and moderating cholesterol. Oatstraw infusion (not tea, not tincture, not capsules) provides lots of protein, all macro- and trace-mineral in high amounts, and very high amounts of B vitamins - excepting vitamin B12.
A cup of oatstraw infusion contains more than 300 milligrams of calcium plus generous amounts of many other minerals. Its steroidal saponins nourish the pancreas and liver, improving digestion and stabilizing moods. Oatstraw is best known however for its ability to enhance libido and mellow the mood. Do be careful whom you share it with, or you may find yourself sowing some wild oats.
Oatstraw infusion is another favorite of those who want to feel less anxious. Preparation is the same as for nettle infusion; remember to avoid tea bags and capsules. The taste of oatstraw is softer and more mellow; you will enjoy it warm with a little honey. It is especially useful for those whose anxiety is combined with excessive nervous energy.

Nothing improves health faster and more firmly than regular use of nourishing herbal infusions and medicinal vinegars. Learn more about these nourishing infusions by ordering Susun Weed's MP3 or CD set.

Includes information on stinging nettle, oatstraw, comfrey leaf, red clover, linden, and aromatic mints.
Nourishing Herbal Infusions and Mineral-Rich Vinegars - digital download
Nourishing Infusions, Medicinal Vinegars - 2 CD set
Having trouble finding herbs for infusions in bulk?
Oatstraw infusion (not tea, tincture, or capsules) has been an ally for depressed women since earliest times. Gentle Avena nourishes the nerves and helps you remember why life is worth living. Oatstraw infusions have helped when muscles that lack minerals -- especially calcium and magnesium -- go into spasms and quiver. If this sounds like your legs, reach for a big glass of nourishing oatstraw infusion.
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© 2011 Susun Weed
© 2011 Susun Weed
Oatstraw infusion builds deep energy for the next day, especially when you have been riding an emotional roller coaster. Oatstraw nourishes the nerves, easing anxiety and improving our ability to live with uncertainty.
This is an ongoing open registration course, you study at your own pace, with Susun Weed online. Register at

Nourishing Herbal Infusions
- Drink Your Way to Health
Online Course
Sign up today for Susun's Newly Updated online course and drink you way to health with Nourishing Herbal Infusions . This is an ongoing open registration course, you study at your own pace, with Susun Weed online. Register at