Nourishing Herbal Infusions the Wise Woman Way
Protect yourself with these simple steps:
o Buy herbs only from reputable suppliers.
o Only buy herbs that are labeled with their botanical name. Botanical names
are specific, but the same common name can refer to several different plants.
"Marigold" can be Calendula officinalis, a medicinal herb, or Tagetes, an
annual used as a bedding plant.
o If you grow the herbs you sell, be meticulous about keeping different plants
separate when you harvest and dry them, and obsessive about labeling.
Use simples
A simple is one herb. For optimum safety, I prepare, buy, sell, teach about and use
herbal simples, that is: preparations containing only one herb. (Occasionally I use
will add some mint to flavor a remedy.) I am a simpler and I encourage people to
drink one infusion per day. I know life is not always that simple. But at the very
least, brew them individually and drink them individually, even if you drink more
than one infusion in a day
The more herbs there are in a formula, the more likelihood there is of unwanted
side-effects. Understandably, the public seeks combinations, hoping to get more
for less. And many mistakenly believe that herbs must be used together to be
effective (probably because potentially poisonous herbs are often combined with
protective herbs to mitigate the damage they cause). But combining herbs with
the same properties, such as goldenseal and echinacea, is counter-productive and
more likely to cause trouble than a simple. A simple tincture of echinacea is more
effective than any combination and much safer.)
Different people have different reactions to substances, whether drugs, foods, or
herbs. When herbs are mixed together in a formula and someone taking it has
distressing side effects, there is no way to determine which herb is the cause. With
simples, it's easy to tell which herb is doing what. If there's an adverse reaction,
other herbs with similar properties can be tried. Limiting the number of herbs
used in any one day (to no more than four) offers added protection.
Dried herbs made into teas or
infusions contain the
nourishing aspects of the plants
and are usually quite safe,
especially when nourishing or
tonifying herbs are used.
Nourishing herbs are the safest of
all herbs; side effects are rare.
Nourishing herbs are taken in
any quantity for any length of
time. They are used as foods, just
like spinach and kale.
Nourishing herbs provide high levels of proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
carotenes, and essential fatty acids. Examples of nourishing herbs are: alfalfa,
amaranth, astragalus, calendula flowers, chickweed, comfrey leaves, dandelion,
fenugreek, flax seeds, honeysuckle flowers, lamb's quarter, marshmallow, nettles,
oatstraw, plantain (leaves/seeds), purslane, red clover blossoms, seaweed,
Siberian ginseng, slippery elm, violet leaves, and wild mushrooms.
Nothing improves health faster and more firmly than regular use of
nourishing herbal infusions and medicinal vinegars. Learn more about these
nourishing infusions by ordering Susun Weed's MP3 or CD set.
Includes information on stinging nettle, oatstraw, comfrey leaf, red clover,
linden, and aromatic mints.
Having trouble finding herbs for infusions in bulk?
One of the easiest ways to get into trouble with an herb is to use the "wrong" one. How
could that happen? Common names for herbs overlap, causing confusion as to the proper
identity. Herbs that are labeled correctly may contain extraneous material from another,
more dangerous, herb. Herbs may be picked at the wrong stage of growth or handled
incorrectly after harvesting, causing them to develop detrimental qualities.
Side effects from herbs are less
common than side effects from
drugs and usually less severe. If an
herb disturbs the digestion, it may
be that the body is learning to
process it. Give it a few more tries
before giving up. Stop taking any
herb that causes nausea, dizziness,
sharp stomach pains, diarrhea,
headache, or blurred vision.
(These effects will generally occur
quite quickly.) Slippery elm is an
excellent antidote to any type of
If you are allergic to any foods or medicines, it is especially important to consult
resources that list the side effects of herbs before you use them. Understand that
different preparations of the same herb can work differently. The safety of any herbal
remedy is dependent on the way it is prepared and used..
This is an ongoing open registration course, you study at your own pace, with
Susun Weed online. Register at
Sign up today for Susun's Newly Updated online course and drink you way to health with Nourishing Herbal Infusions . This is an ongoing open registration course, you study at your own pace, with Susun Weed online. Register at